Social responsibility

Meeting our current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their owns.

At Ledinek companies we are aware that we depend on our employees, business partners, environment, community and good leadership. 

We understand the importance of social responsibility as responsibility for our impact on society and the environment, that is, on people and nature, as one of the key tools for sustainable development.

We strive for transparent and ethical behaviour, for integrity and balanced operations in all key areas and functions of our company. We take into account the expectations of stakeholders, act in accordance with applicable legislation and international business standards.

Social responsibility is integrated into the entire organization and we implement it in all aspects. Through our work, we strive for the values on which we should build a more connected society. The long-term trust of employees, business partners and the community are the foundation of sustainable economic models and co-create an innovative environment in which companies can develop and grow.

Our products are state-of-the-art technology for the needs of the wood industry, which enables the efficient use of wood as a natural construction material and for processing into products with high added value.

Wood is a building material that stores CO2 and decays after its service life. This means that it does not burden the environment and contributes to a lower carbon footprint, which is what countries are striving for today on the global level. We are proud to be part of the efforts to 

More on sustainable construction

We support the initiative Holz rettet Klima - Wood saves the climate!

Because individuals make up the society we live in, the society is exactly as we create it. If we don't show what we do, others cannot follow our example, and we cannot make progress.

Only the exchange of knowledge, experience, networking and learning from each other will strengthen our development. That is why we strive for integrity instead of one-sidedness, we consider interdependence instead of independence.

The Ledinek group supports several local and national organizations. We take part in initiatives which are facing social and cultural challenges, support vulnerable groups and education of the young. We are very proud to be part of some sports stories, as our sports spirit also encourages us never to give up, but to persist and find our own way up.

Every year at International athletic competition in Slovenska Bistrica, they organize Stepišnikov memorijal in category hammer throw, since 2002 under patronage of Stepišnik and Ledinek families. 
